Someone you care about seeks reconciliation.
Today's fortune submitted by:
Moonie Garcia
Apopka, FL, USA
Moonie Garcia is a painter, illustrator, and writer dedicated to enriching the goth lifestyle through artful gift-giving. Known for her hand-crafted wrapping paper, tags, and greeting cards that add a unique, dark elegance to every occasion, Moonie has also authored two children's books, "Sela" and "Sela and the Ragamaroo." Her work blends whimsy with a touch of the macabre, capturing the essence of goth culture and delighting her loyal fans of all ages.
Mending Broken Connections.
Today's Marketing Cookie is a letter of apology to you and the importance of mutual support in our lives.
Following a dream, I traded my cushy role in a large company with thousands of co-workers for the thrill of starting a tiny new consulting business. I went from a vibrant, bustling office environment to the quiet solitude of working from home with two cats as my primary source of conversation. I soon realized that our cats have zero business insights and are not very good at working with spreadsheets. The daily interactions, spontaneous conversations, and collaborative spirit with colleagues that had been a staple of my professional life were suddenly replaced by lonely seclusion. One day, my wife caught me discussing an advertising campaign with the cat and said, "You need to get out more!"
Then, a worldwide pandemic arrived. The fear of potential infection cut off nearly all in-person interactions with the outside world. Social distancing measures brought a new reality, with footprint stickers on the floor marking six feet apart, masks that removed all traces of the human smile, and plexiglass barriers designed to separate us from one another. Casual meet-ups, coffee breaks, board meetings, and face-to-face interactions that once punctuated my days were all canceled or clumsily conducted on Zoom, replacing handshakes and personal conversations with virtual screens and muted microphones.
The deeply divisive political climate was poisoned for years by a steady stream of toxic negativity that continously dripped into every conversation on social media. Posts changed from celebrating life’s happiest moments like weddings, birthdays, and vacations to heated political debates, contentious news articles, and polarizing opinions. So, I chose to delete my Facebook account. While I thought leaving Facebook may preserve the cherished memory of the smiles of family and friends from happier times, it simply severed a vital channel of connection and unraveled the threads holding my place in the fabric of my community.
Finally, when our youngest son was diagnosed with cancer, my focus shifted to him and our family. The emotional demands of supporting him through his battle left little room for maintaining external connections. The need to prioritize his health and our family's well-being meant that my already limited social interactions dwindled even further.
The combined weight of these challenges—the professional transition, the pandemic, the decision to step back from social media, and my son's illness—all led to a daily life of isolation.
About a month ago, I was checking the analytics of a Facebook ad for a client and discovered that the personal account I had deleted five years before was somehow completely restored. To see if it was real, I posted a single word, “hi.” The response from people was immediate and overwhelmingly heartwarming. It reminded me of the connections I had shut out, revealed the goodness in you, and underscored how much we truly care for and need each other.
After nearly 11 years of silence, I won the rights to reboot Today’s Marketing Cookie. On May 1st, I began writing and sharing a new cookie every morning on LinkedIn. I've been completely overwhelmed by so many friends, acquaintances and colleagues who have embraced the revival.
The truth is: I need you! My blog is built on much more than just my thoughts—it's a true collaboration. Every post depends on the photos of fortunes that you send me. Without these contributions, I'll have nothing to write, and my project will die. Including you in my life and my career is essential; your input breathes life into my work and your participation is the source of my inspiration.
Cutting myself off from the people I care about has left me without the network of support and companionship that has traveled with me through life's journey. These are the individuals who have shared in my joys, provided comfort in my sorrows, and offered invaluable perspectives and advice.
By isolating myself, I also withdrew my support and presence from their lives, depriving them of the mutual encouragement and connection we once shared. I had made my world smaller, my perspective was limited, and my life was less full. While my defensive instincts and circumstances drove me to an existence of seclusion, warranted or not, I apologize for shutting you out. I’m sorry I abandoned you when we needed each other the most. I've learned, as today's fortune says, "Someone you care about seeks reconciliation." That someone is me.
Nutrition Facts
Serving Size: 1 Cookie
Percent Daily Value
Percent Daily Values are based on the essential nutrients required to maintain a healthy mindset, fostering success in your marketing, prosperity in your career, and fulfillment in your life.
Submitted by:
Moonie Garcia
Unpackaged in:
Apopka, FL, USA
Cookie Ingredients:
What marketing is really saying:
"No stores wanted it."
What marketing says:
"Not available in stores."
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