Every person is the architect of his own fortune.
Today's fortune submitted by:
Michelle Looney
San Francisco, CA, USA
Michelle Looney is the Lead Marketing Strategist and Owner of Studio M, renowned for her dynamic approach to elevating standards and driving growth. An award-winning marketing leader and content strategist, Michelle excels in simplifying complex messages and transforming insights into impactful, results-driven campaigns. Her creative thinking and exceptional communication skills set her apart as a true innovator in the field.
Defining Your Future.
Today’s Marketing Cookie is about taking charge of your own destiny and making the most of the opportunities around you.
If you’re a person, today’s fortune is talking about you. The difference between each of us humans, are our individual perspectives. The way in which you design your own fortune is often based on the unique past you came from, the context of the present you’re living in right now, and the future you want to construct for yourself. As the architect of your own future, you must first determine how you personally define the word “fortune” before you can take the little cap off the pen to begin drawing your blueprint.
So, how do you define “fortune”? I did some research and found nearly thirty legitimate interpretations and uses for the word “fortune”. Lucky for us the dictionary neatly consolidates it all down to four basic definitions for us that encompasses wealth, luck, success, and fate. Let’s review.
Beginning with a fortune designed around the most common understanding of wealth, you might make plans to acquire material possessions, affluence, and prosperity. If you perceive a great fortune of wealth as the intangible, your plan might seek to build strong, loving relationships with family and friends, have amazing bucket list experiences, or practicing some form of artistic expression. In any case, building a fortune of wealth, however the desire of your heart defines it, will require some level of investment.
Moving now to fortune, defined as luck. If you have a goal in mind but no idea how to get there, you can create your own luck, by looking for open doors and being prepared to jump on opportunities when they come your way. Your plan could also be: to not make a plan. You could forgo all thought about the future completely, live only in the now, and intentionally let come what may. Luck, like fortune however, comes in two flavors: good, and bad. Left all to chance, luck is that mysterious force that decides if you'll find a dollar or step in gum.
Success is a fortune based on achievement. It is a plan you’d design to realize an outcome after concerted hard work, persistence, and determination. You might wish to obtain deep knowledge and expertise in your craft, obtaining great power, fame, status, or legacy, or dedicating your life to solving the world’s problems. In the paraphrased words of Robert Strauss, “Whatever your mission, the thing about success is that it's a lot like wrestling a gorilla. You don't quit when you're tired, you quit when the gorilla is tired.”
Fate is a type of fortune where you have no control whatsoever. If you believe you’re living a predetermined course of events, dictated by a higher power, your plan might be focused on diplomatic relations with Providence. You could ask for tweaks to the inevitable course you’re on and petition for the positive outcome you have in mind for yourself.
Whatever definition you use to design your fortune, be realistic when drawing your blueprint so you can make progress using the resources, capacities, and capabilities you already have. A plan without the means to take action is like having a sailboat with no wind — you’re ready to go but just can't get moving. If you take the initiative, the future you want is in your hands as today’s fortune says, “Every person is the architect of his own fortune.”
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Submitted by:
Michelle Looney
Unpackaged in:
San Francisco, CA, USA
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