Don't find fault, find a remedy.
Today's fortune submitted by:
Marsh Sutherland
Boston, MA, USA
Marsh Sutherland, recruiting at Vizit, excels in full-cycle recruitment for various departments with a 2-week fill rate and 85% acceptance rate. Skilled in team leadership and training, he's adept at identifying talent in the tech landscape. Closed 84 employees and 30 interns for Ocient, is an 8X startup founder, and TechStars advisor.
Marsh is a good man! He has sent me more fortunes than anyone and has been endlessly supportive of my Cookie blog project. I'm incredibly grateful for his unwavering support—it truly means the world to me.
Starters, Observers and Solvers.
Today's Marketing Cookie is about the strengths and weaknesses of problem starters, observers, and solvers.
Problem Starters are usually at the center of the drama. You know the type. They ask tough questions when everyone else in the room is already in agreement. They tip the apple cart just to see how well it can hold. They cause friction, go against the tide, and often can be found taking a contrary viewpoint in what would otherwise be without argument.
While they may seem overwhelmingly annoying, and very little is ever solved by a problem starter, they do have an undeniable strength, which should be identified as such. Problem starters are most useful for providing checks and balances. Our constitution and government are basically magnets for problem starters. They stand in the balance for and against various issues and make it virtually impossible for our government to sway too far in either direction.
Problem Observers are always available to point out what's wrong. You know the type. They don't cause the problem and they seldom offer any ideas to fix the problem, but they are always willing to shine a light on them. The glass is always half full... or less and they find fault in everything.
While they may seem extremely annoying, and very little is ever solved by a problem observer, they do bring something of value to the table. They are essential to every team because they have a knack for forecasting trouble on the horizon before it arrives and after a project is completed, they can serve in a quality assurance role and uncover all the bugs.
Problem Solvers are the ones who always save the day. You know the type. They are always on call for the moment when a crisis hits. Everyone is climbing the curtains, banging their heads against the wall, and running around the room like headless chickens. They can call the room to order, listen to the details of the problem, and serve as the voice of reason. Before long, the problem solver has made some executive decisions and put everyone to work to fix the problem.
So, while today's fortune highlights the problem solver as it says, "Don't find fault find a remedy," I must also thank the problem starter for keeping us objective and the problem observer for checking our work. We couldn't have done it without you.
Nutrition Facts
Serving Size: 1 Cookie
Percent Daily Value
Percent Daily Values are based on the essential nutrients required to maintain a healthy mindset, fostering success in your marketing, prosperity in your career, and fulfillment in your life.
Submitted by:
Marsh Sutherland
Unpackaged in:
Boston, MA, USA
Cookie Ingredients:
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